I’m using the following shortcode:
In post:
[sc name="dynamic-progress-bar" pct_val="20"]
[jet_engine component=meta_field field=”headline_val”]
[su_progress_pie percent=%%pct_val%% text=”” after=”%” size=”200″ pie_width=”10″ text_size=”40″ align=”center” pie_color=”#7ce2f7″ fill_color=”#F73F43″ text_color=”#F73F43″ align=”none”]
[su_progress_pie percent=$$enclosed_content$$ text=”” after=”%” size=”200″ pie_width=”10″ text_size=”40″ align=”center” pie_color=”#7ce2f7″ fill_color=”#F73F43″ text_color=”#F73F43″ align=”none”]
su is from Shortcodes Ultimate (https://getshortcodes.com/docs-category/shortcodes/).
The invocation with %%pct_val%% works. The invocation with $$enclosed_content$$ does not work. I have verified that $$enclosed_content$$ has the correct value.
Is this expected behavior? I know I can use $$custom_field:headline_val$$ but I want to provide the custom field name per post (actually, multiple field names).