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  • Matthew Peters


    We would like to put a shortcode to a URL parameter inside a shortcode (where $$enclosed_content$$ = [URLParam param=’c22entry’]).

    [gfchartsreports gf_form_id=”1″ colors=”#040505″ height=”500px” gf_entry_id=”$$enclosed_content$$” count_answers=”1″ group_fields=”1″ include=”115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122″ type=”radar” chart_js_options=”title: {display: true, text: ”, fontSize:28,fontFamily:’akkurat-bold’,fontColor:’#040505′,fontStyle:’bold’,padding:20},legend: {display: false},scale: { ticks: { beginAtZero: true,max: 5 } }”]

    This is what we have:
    [sc name="current_form_chart"][URLParam param=’c22entry’][/sc]

    It places the [URLParam param=’c22entry’] in the correct spot, however, it does not get the value from the URL parameter – this is ignored and it just places [URLParam param=’c22entry’] rather than the entry id taken from the URL parameter.

    Look forward to your thoughts!

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