Hello, I have a couple of questions regarding the shortcode and the normal display and the ticker display.
Please, on the normal display, is there any way (like a css class or similar) that the thumbnail is next to the title and not next to the description? I am using a feed that doesn’t have a description in any item so it looks a little bad this way (as you can see here: https://ibb.co/d7w1yVY) but would look okay next to the title.
And please, on the ticker display, is anyone using it with thumbnail_position=”cover” and thumbnail_size=”10%” or any other percentage. When I use a percentage it doesn’t show any image and if I use a px, like 150px it looks very elongated, but only on desktop devices, on mobile it looks fine.
This is the shortcode I am using, please is there anything wrong on here?
[srr_feed urls=”RSSURL” count=”80″ order_by=”default” thumbnail_position=”cover” thumbnail_size=”10%” thumbnail_force=”always” color_style=”modern2″ display_type=”vertical_ticker”]
Thank you everyone for the help!