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  • Kyle Hill

    Hi there,

    Please forgive but i would like to request a refund. I bought the pro version, assuming I could use Gutenberg blocks with custom variables. However, I can only the Gutenberg blocks pre-fabricated in the editor. Unfortunately this doesn’t work in my use case, as I have to set variables within the block manually.

    This isn’t clear in the documentation or the sales page, so I would be grateful if you could refund my payment in full and I will delete the plugin.

    Best regards

    Hi Kyle,

    I’m sorry to hear that.

    I suppose you want to insert “custom parameters” inside the gutenberg blocks.
    If yes, you can still do it. I agree there is no “form” to insert the parameter. But you can type it out.

    You can simply type %%my_param1%% in the block editor. This would be replaced when you use the shortcode as [sc name="hello" my_param1="test"]

    Please let me know if you are expecting something else.


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