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  • Sarah Jayne Davies

    I could not run without Shortcoder. Using TablePress Max with Google Sheets, our audio players only work if entered into Google Sheets as a shortcode. Having a physical disability, Shortcoder provides invaluable accessibility for developers – an aspect of accessibility often overlooked.

    However, the one thing that (in my opinion) lets this invaluable plugin down is the lack of shortcode duplication. I create four very similar image shortcodes for each product and the inability to duplicate and then slightly edit each duplicate costs me several hours per week.

    The addition of a “duplicate button” resulting in the creation of “original_shortcode_name_DUPLICATE” would totally change my work, making it much quicker and easier.

    One other problem is the position of the “Display Name” field. If this could be moved to immediately beneath the “Shortcode Name” field, this would be also MUCH easier.

    Shortcoder is a brilliant plugin, and I would be really happy to be a beta tester.


    Hi Sarah,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder.
    I understand shortcoder plays an important part in your workflow.

    Please try my suggestions below.

    1) Duplicate shortcode

    Please install this plugin – and click the “copy” button to duplicate the shortcode.

    Note: shortcode settings won’t be duplicated. But that is fine I guess.

    2) Display name next to shortcode name

    This option was already added in latest version of the plugin (both free/pro). On the right side of the “shortcode name” you can find a text box to set the “display name”

    Hope this helps.


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