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    • designspinner

      I am using the shortcode only where needed to display the buttons: [wpsr_socialbts]

      How can I control what buttons go in this set? I tried to set them in the Custom settings but they don’t “stick” so I guess I am doing something wrong.


      I used this shortcode on a page, and the buttons did not display (only the code showed). Can you tell me what I did wrong?

      [wpsr_buttonName var1=”wpsr_facebook” var2=”wpsr_twitter” var3=”wpsr_plusone” var4=”wpsr_pinterest” var5=”wpsr_linkedin” var6=”wpsr_sharethis”]

      designspinner wrote:

      I used this shortcode on a page, and the buttons did not display (only the code showed). Can you tell me what I did wrong?

      [wpsr_buttonName var1=”wpsr_facebook” var2=”wpsr_twitter” var3=”wpsr_plusone” var4=”wpsr_pinterest” var5=”wpsr_linkedin” var6=”wpsr_sharethis”]

      I think you’ve mistaken. Each and individual button has a shortcode.

      You need to use that shortcode like [wpsr_****buttonName****]

      Go to the docs page and there will you will see the headings. Expand the box and replace the “buttonName” with the one mentioned there. For some customizations, you need to add some additional parameters as mentioned.

      Just check out the demo page, there some examples are given:

      Thank you.

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