was wondering what could be some common “reasons/causes” why the ‘wpsr_enqueue_scripts’ function wouldn’t be accessed?
(None of the js/css ‘includes’ that should be in the header aren’t being added.).
I can access the CSS file via direct URL fine.
Using the latest version of WPS (
Using the latest version of WP (3.9.1.)
It seems to by-pass the ‘wpsr_enqueue_sripts’ method all together. I can check/debug all around the other functions/scripts… to include before and after the line:
add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘wpsr_enqueue_scripts’)
Note: this setup is within a Magento/WordPress Deluxe development site. It has been running fine on a production server and I’ve recently ported the WP site to the development server to test WP updated plugins/files before committing them to production. After the port everything is working fine… except this. I’ve disabled the other WP plugins with the end result the same.
Thank you in advance for any insight.