Nearly around 2 years, the Announcer WordPress plugin was left untouched with no new updates. The old version had all the basic features working well. But the interface and coding standards were to be improved. This (version 2.1) has a lot of new updates. It has the latest code standards like my other plugins, a good new interface.

New in v2.1

This version is definitely a worthy upgrade as the coding standards are improved. The notable features are:

  • Admin interface is revamped.
  • Some variables, fields are removed, renamed.
  • Inbuilt styles are added.
  • Improvements are made to the “Top fixed” and “Bottom fixed” positions using jQuery.
  • The styles can be customized with custom colors.
  • The HTML of the announcement can be viewed and edited.
  • Undo, Redo buttons are removed from the WYSIWYG editor.

Demo video

This plugin is next to the Super RSS Reader which too was left without any update for 2 years. Now, most of my plugins are updated to the latest standards an features.

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