WP Socializer WordPress plugin is now BEAUTIFUL – POWERFUL & EASY. With the latest version v5.0 there are two new features “social icons” and “floating sharebar” which provides quick and easy options to setup your site with powerful social media sharing functionality.

WP Socializer v5.0

Social icons and floating sharebar will be replacing the “classic share buttons” and “classic floating sharebar” to eliminate complex settings.

The new features are intelligent and adapts itself to the settings configured and no fine manual intervention is needed. With few options enabled, you can get a beautiful and excellent social media icons and sharebar.

Classic sharebar feature is deprecated now and will be removed in the near future once v5+ had reached a good percentage of usage. Users can play with the 2 new features and configure their old settings manually to them.

Going forward the motive of WP Socializer is to provide crisp and to the point feature with the same flexibility and customization options and v5.0 will be the first step to it.


  • New: Social icons feature is replacing “classic share buttons” feature with easy to setup and powerful features.
  • New: Floating sharebar is replacing the “classic sharebar” feature providing advanced features to setup quick and easy.
  • New: Minor UI changes to the admin page.
  • Fix: 40px size was not working for text sharebar.
  • New: Social share buttons in widgets feature has been removed.

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