Importing and exporting announcements is easy. Since Announcer uses custom post type, it follows the standard import/export process of posts and pages. Note this import/export feature is supported only for the announcements created with v4.0 and above.


To export all the announcements follow the instructions below,

  • Navigate to Tools -> Export and select "Announcer"
  • Click download export file

A XML file will be downloaded. This file is the exported announcements data. Later this file has to be used to import the announcements.


To import the announcements, you will need the "WordPress importer" plugin. It can be installed easily within the import page itself. Follow the instructions below to install the importer if not installed and import the announcements you have exported.

  • Navigate to Tool -> Import.
  • Under WordPress click "Install now" if WordPress importer is not installed.
  • If the importer is already installed then click "Run importer" under WordPress.
  • Select and upload the exported XML file.
  • In the next page select the user who should be assigned as the author.
  • Thats it ! Your announcements are imported.

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