Setting Options in Conditioner

Options can be set in two different ways in jQuery conditioner.

  • Inline options ( supports only one condition )
  • External options ( supports multiple conditions )

Demo page

Inline options

Inline options ( data-condr-* attributes ) has to be set on the element which has to be shown when an input element has a specific value. jQuery Conditioner has to be enabled on this element later. All the inline options mentioned below are compulsory

<select id="fruits">
    <option value="apple">Apple</option>
    <option value="banana">Banana</option>
    <option value="mango">Mango</option>

<!-- Plugin options given inline -->
<div class="banana-section"
    Here are the Banana options ..



The input element to check for a value. Below are the possible ways an input element can be selected.

Absolute selector examples ( all jQuery like selectors ):

  • #apple
  • .strawberry
  • [name='grapes']


<input type="text" id="mango" />
<div class="orange" data-condr-input="#mango">My content</div>

Relative selector examples: (jQuery_method::method_parameters)

  • (siblings::.wrap1)(find::input[type='text'])
  • (parent::)(next::)


<div class="row1">
    <input type="text" class="kiwifruit" />
<div class="row2" data-condr-input="(prev::)(find::.kiwifruit)" >My content</div>


This attribute holds the value against which the input element’s value has to be checked. It can be a simple value or a regex pattern based on the data-condr-action mentioned below


This attribute indicates how the value of the selected input element has to be evaluated and what to do if the input element has that value.



  • type_of_evaluation – Possible values are,
    • simple – Equal match with input’s value.
    • pattern – Pattern match with input’s value. Pattern as to be mentioned in data-condr-value
  • jquery_method_on_value_match – jQuery method to call when value matches. Example: show, hide, slideUp, slideDown, fadeIn, fadeOut
  • jquery_method_on_no_value_match – jQuery method to call when value does not match. Example: show, hide, slideUp, slideDown, fadeIn, fadeOut


<!-- Ex 1: Simple match, when value of #apple is "tasty", .mango is displayed and hidden otherwise -->
<input type="text" id="apple" />
<div data-condr-input="#apple" data-condr-action="simple?show:hide" data-condr-value="tasty" class="mango">My content</div>

<!-- Ex 2: Pattern match, when value of #apple is an email ID, .mango is displayed and hidden otherwise -->
<input type="text" id="apple" />
<div data-condr-input="#apple" data-condr-action="pattern?fadeIn:slideUp" data-condr-value="[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+.[a-z]{2,3}$" class="mango">My content</div>


This attribute holds a list of events separated by spaces upon which the condition has to be checked.

Example values:

  • change
  • click focus
  • keyup

External options

The advantage of external options compared to inline options is multiple conditions can be given ( This feature of external options is just for fun. We can achieve the same thing through simple conditions in if/else conditions. Whereas the inline options feature is a huge time saver.


    <li><input type="text" class="tb3" placeholder="type hey" /></li>
    <li><label><input type="radio" name="agreecheck" value="disagree" /> I Disagree</label> <label><input type="radio" value="agree" name="agreecheck" />I Agree</label>  </li>
    <li><label><input type="checkbox" class="cb2"/> I once again agree to the terms</label></li>
<div class="multiple1">Thanks.. you can finally <button>Submit</button></div>

        conditions: [
                input: '.tb3',
                type: 'simple',
                value: 'hey'
                input: '[name=agreecheck]',
                type: 'simple',
                value: 'agree'
                input: '.cb2'
        events: 'click keyup',
        onTrue: function(){  $(this).fadeIn( 'slow' );  },
        onFalse: function(){  $(this).slideUp( 'slow' );  }

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