Thanks for a great plugin!
I have my most recent blog post as my home page and want the nav arrows to show there. I noticed you took them off in an earlier revision.
How can I get them on my home page?
Actually placing the next and previous post buttons in the home page is not a logical idea. Only in single posts and pages it is a logical way.
In the first release it was placed accidentally and after the report of many people it was removed.
So thats the reason for the removal.
Thank you.
Thank you for your reply.
One of the reasons I bought your plugin is because you had the nav buttons on the front page in your demo video.
Is there a way I can have this option?
If not, may I get a refund?
If you want the buttons in the homepage, then just do a small mod.
Get the latest version from the site and remove
&& !is_front_page(),
in line no 208.
That will solve the problem.
But I’m afraid that I didn’t make any demo video for the plugin !!! Can you please send the demo video you saw ??
Thanks for the info. I will try the modification.
I mistook your plugin for another. I meant that the live demo of the plugin you have in code canyon has the arrows on the front page.
I appreciate your help!
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