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  • Lord0fDragons

    In the menu the shortcoder shows “tags” if clicked instead of the shorts-codes. The short-codes still exist but the page to edit them is no more showing.

    When I go to the plugin overview and click on “View Shortcodes” next to the plugin I get a page with the content:

    > You need a higher level of permission.
    > Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.

    The user is Adminstrator role so higher permission is not possible and prior to the update it worked.

    Right now this breaks my page.

    Hi there,

    In Shortcoder v6.3 there is no change made related to this permission. It should behave the same as in 6.2.

    I guess, there might some timeout behind the scenes while registering the shortcoder permissions for the administrator role.

    Can you please install this plugin – and check if “administrator” role has all the “xxx_shortcoder” permissions?



    The list shows no role named “administrator”. I would be anyway surprised by this since Administrator role should be a wordpress internal role which can’t be edited anyway, or not?


    I looked now at my own user under “All Users” and pressed “Capabilities”. There I see the primary role “Administrator” and filtering for “shortcoder” I see all checkboxes ticked albeit grayed out. So I would say all the permissions are there.


    This is strange. It seems that after clicking on this “Capabilities” link changed something although it is a read-only page. The permission error is no gone and the shortcoder page shows again. Maybe a bug inside wordpress not updating something properly and clicking “Capabilities” somehow triggered it.


    Yes it is a weird issue. This is not expected. Good that it is fixed now. Please do recall if any plugin was recently installed related to this to identify the root cause.



    I had to restore the page from a backup. It has been the only plugin that failed even after deleting/reinstalling it multiple times.

    It is possible that restore from backup is the RC of the issue. May be the backup did not persist the administrator user permissions and the plugin assumed the permissions were already set.

    I’m marking this thread resolved for now. Please reopen/start new if required.


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