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  • Giovanni-T

    Good morning,
    I noticed a problem in your excellent extension “All in one web searcher”:
    It is not possible to display more than 16 icons (therefore websites) in the popup.
    I added about twenty in the extension settings but I only see 16 when I open the popup.
    The question is:
    Is it possible to dynamically enlarge the popup or customize it to allow the user to see more than 16 websites?
    I await your feedback and thank you for your cooperation.

    Giovanni (from Italy 🙂

    Hi Giovanni,

    Thanks for using AIOWS extension. I understand your issue, but the extension does not support increasing the popup width.

    I’ll see how to handle this situation in the future versions of the extension.

    For now, can you please include the additional “search engines” as “sub search engines”? So that the organization is more compact?



    I actually already configured the “sub search engines”

    Hi Giovanni,

    Thanks for confirming! Yes, for now I can’t think of any workaround except using sub search engines so that the main tabs get some space.


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