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    • Sorry for the bug, please add this line before line no 178



      in announcer.php file. This bug will be fixed in the main release.


      Thanks. I’ve made that change and am waiting for the ISP caching (above WordPress ) to time out on the URL so I can see the changes.

      gdinwiddie wrote:

      Thanks. I’ve made that change and am waiting for the ISP caching (above WordPress ) to time out on the URL so I can see the changes.

      Just republish a new post, the feed will be live.


      one can you schedule more than one announcement? i want to prewrite a months worth of announcments?

      also i am looking for a programmer who can make a site something like do you know anyone


      can announcer let me do many announcements one per day . i want to have menus for eating for 30 days

      each day a different meal

      malpert wrote:

      can announcer let me do many announcements one per day . i want to have menus for eating for 30 days

      each day a different meal

      No Announce does not show different announcement each and every day automatically. But manual update is possible.

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