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  • Kate Kim

    Hi Aakash,

    I’ve read your recent comment in the previous thread and it somehow is not fixed on what we see on our end.

    The banner looks perfect when you first land on a page but as soon as you scroll down, it sticks to the top and cover the nav bar partially.
    This is a major concern as it’ll affect to our visitors’ experience.

    Attaching a screenshot to help you understand the issue better.

    Hi Kate,

    I looked at your site and see that the header is positioned “fixed” with top value 0.

    It is expected for the header to overlap that way. Announcer does not know that there is a header which is overlapping.

    We can use CSS though as a workaround, but is messy.

    I would suggest either of these,

    1) Adjust elementor settings and change the header “sticky” offset value from 0 to 50px
    2) Move the announcement to the bottom of the screen
    3) Move the announcement below the header using the CSS below.

    top: 100px !important;


    Kate Kim

    Hi Aakash,

    Moving the banner under the nav bar + adding the css worked!
    Really appreciate your help on this.


    Hi Kate,

    Thanks for confirming. Glad it helped!


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