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  • stephan

    yesterday I change the banner on our site (free version of Announcer) by a picture.
    On my Chrome, the update work correctly and I see the picture on the top of our site.
    But on all other computer in the office, it’s always the old banner that appear.
    We clear cache of Chrome but nothing to do. Always the old but on my Chrome, the new banner appear correctly. What’s the problem?

    Hi Stephan,

    You might be using a caching plugin on your wordpress website like wp super cache, w3 total cache etc. Can you please clear the site cache and try again?



    Gotcha! I use WP Fastest Cache Settings.
    I clear the cache and everything is find on all computer!
    Thanks AaKash!

    Glad it worked 🙂
    Have a nice day!

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