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    • shadow


      I am giving a test to WP Socializer in development enviroment, and I found some display problems in more than one browser, when I place buttons in template mode.

      I am using WordPress 3.2.1, and using a child theme I made from TwentyEleven theme

      I will place the screenshot I took so as to better understand:


      – First problem is the Facebook button, since the counter gets almost hidden, so it is not possible to read number. This happens both at Firefox – using old version : 3.6.23 -, though also in IE 8 and Opera’s last version; in Chrome it looks fine. The code I used for that is:


      echo wp_socializer(‘facebook’,
      ‘url’ => ‘’,
      ‘title’ => ‘El blog de Falso Delantero’,
      ‘showfaces ‘ => 0,
      ‘verb’ => ‘Me gusta’,
      ‘text’ => ‘Compartir en Facebook’

      – The other problem is about the list of social buttons at bottom part of post, they show almost all hidden as in screenshot. This problem only happens in IE 8, since in other browsers I tested the buttons showed fine.

      Hoping you can give some fix for these probs, thanks in advance!


      For the social buttons fix do the following,

      1. Open public/css/wp-socializer-buttons-css.css

      2. Add the following line after the line no 31


      width: auto !important;

      For the Facebook fix change the “Button width property” which is present in the “Facebook” tab of the WPSR admin page.

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