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  • admin@styld

    When you set location, let’s say category of post “is”
    when you change it to “is not” and update, then go back to Location Rules, it’s back to “is”

    the only option that gets saved is “show in selected pages” or “hide in selected pages”

    but regardless of this rule setup, the announcer bar show up in the Homepage. LOL not just on the specific pages based on the rules. is it because there are category #tags or links under each post excerpt? If so, you need to rewrite this plugin.


    When you select “is not” the option is saved correctly as expected.

    May be you are unaware that the option need to be saved or someother plugin is blocking the update. It needs to be checked.

    Image below shows that the option is saved as expected.


    when you change it to “is not” and update, then go back to Location Rules, it’s back to “is”

    the work-around for this is to delete location rules and start-over.
    but if using “category of post,” it must be “hidden in selected pages” and specify “Homepage” or it will show in homepage and other categories. so it’s “hidden in selected pages + Category of Post + is not

    but the this doesn’t always work on “mobile only.” if there are more than two category it only works on one of the them.

    so for mobile, the sure way to make this work is to “Show in selected page + Single Post + “is” then post id. The problem is that, there can be dozens or hundreds of posts because it shows every published post and draft.


    May be you are unaware that the option need to be saved or someother plugin is blocking the update. It needs to be checked.

    I click update and purge including memcache, page, cloudflare. but it could be something else.


    but if using “category of post,” it must be “hidden in selected pages” and specify “Homepage” or it will show in homepage and other categories. so it’s “hidden in selected pages + Category of Post + is not

    I’m not sure what you are trying to achieve.

    Please let me know the end result. I’ll suggest the configuration.

    I also see there was a rating posted with 1 star with similar comments. Not sure if it is for the same –

    If yes, then it would be better if you could clarify the issue before posting 1 star since the plugin gives more value than location rules which other plugins don’t offer 🙁



    I apologize. I changed the review but the some issue persist. I will give you screenshots or a video when I get a chance.


    Thanks for understanding.

    Please feel free to share the issue you are facing. I’ll be there to help you resolve the issue.


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