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  • Diana Levy

    On my feed, there are two categories:



    <category><![CDATA[Oportunidades inmediatas]]></category> and
    <category><![CDATA[Franquicias disponibles]]></category>

    So I need to create two shorcodes. each one to display items of each category (that print on separate pages)

    Is that possible?

    Diana Levy

    Sorry, my feed is:
    my feed

    Diana Levy

    Ok, I get my answer by my own doing a research

    As simple as to get the feed by category.
    As is a wordpress site using Custom post type, I had to query like this:

    Where the cat ID that Im looking for is = 10

    Works like charm…Hope it helps someone else

    Hi Diana,

    That is one way to do.

    In case your feed does not support parameters to filter like you did, then in the PRO version you can build your own rules to filter feed items.

    Filter by Keyword

    You can select the category and keyword you want to filter.


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