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  • graciaac

    I need to change the language of the date. Currently it is in English and my wordpress is in Catalan. Spanish would also be valid. I have not seen option in the configuration

    Hi @graciaac,

    Thanks for the feedback. I’ll fix this in the next version.



    Very much agree! I need this too.

    But in fact, obviously there is no need to add support for every language.
    Just use Arabic numerals, you provide us with the variables of yy, mm, dd, and let us add the remaining characters and formats.

    Or, you can use yyyy-mm-dd or other internationally accepted expressions without any vocabulary by default, so that everyone can understand even if their native languages are different

    Hi All,

    I still have this item in my todo list.

    The plugin just displays whatever is available in the RSS feed. I think this feature is something which is beyond the scope of the plugin as the functionality of the reader is to display the RSS feed as is.

    This translation can apply to anything like, title, description. Just translating only date would be the odd one out.

    The ideal way would be the RSS feed has content in the required language.

    But anyways, this idea is still active. I’ll consider the possible ways of understanding date time and i’ll have an option to convert it to WP language



    A good option would be to choose how to display the date. If it were with numbers, translations would not be necessary.
    Is it possible to modify the code to make it show with numbers?


    Of course, I believe that everyone uses their own native language as much as possible.

    So as you said, the translation function is beyond the plugin. At least I don’t need translation function.

    However, I use Chinese, and the RSS feed is completely Chinese. At this time, I checked the date display function and found that it displays the year and date in Arabic numerals, but it displays the month in English words.

    So I think there may be something wrong with this.

    That’s why I suggested that using Arabic numerals. This may be an easier solution to adapt to different languages.

    Hi @graciaac,

    If translation is not needed but if you want to change the date format then it is pretty simple.

    Please edit the below line in super-rss-reader/includes/feed.php

    You can change j F Y to the format as mentioned in the page below.

    An example would be d-m-Y to show date as 01-12-2020



    Now perfect. It appears in numbers. Thank you


    Cheers! It looks like you can delete this item from your todolist! XD

    Thanks everyone !

    Luis van Baren

    Hi Aakash,
    I really need to know how I can change the language… I understand that this is still on your to do list, but please let me know a quick fix for now… I need the Dutch language…

    Hi Luis,

    If your General -> “site language” is Dutch, then you can try the change below.

    Plugin editor -> super-rss-reader/includes/feed.php

    Replace line 149

    $date = $item->get_date( 'j F Y' );

    with below lines

    $timestamp = $item->get_date( 'U' );
    $date = date_i18n('j F Y', $timestamp);

    This basically displays the date as per your website’s site langauge setting.


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