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  • Logic Controls

    Great plug-in! 2 questions:
    1. How can I set a custom width to the plugin? I tried:

    .srr-wrap {

    but it didn’t work. Seems like it’s stuck at 400px width?

    2. Is there a css tag for the ‘read more’ link?

    Hi @logiccontrols,

    Thanks for using Super RSS reader.

    1) The widget will take the full width of the sidebar by default. Can you please check if the sidebar width itself is only 400px ? If not please share the web page link here, I’ll have a look.

    2) I will add a class attribute in the next version to select read me link. For now can you please use select it like below ?

    .srr-summary a[title="Read more"] {
        background: red;


    Logic Controls

    Awesome, thank you. I’m not trying to put it in the sidebar. I’m using to bring news on to a regular page, so I’d like it to fill to 100% of whatever the width turns out to be for responsiveness.

    Got it.. by default the width is the 100%. May be there is a container which is restricting the width. Can you please inspect the container which ever is restricting and change the width of it ?

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