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  • zanchit

    How do we change the nofollow directive of the social media links?

    The links are to my specific social media pages and I’ve been advised that good idea to change from ‘nofollow’ to ‘rel=me’ but can’t see how to do it.

    Rosanna Chittenden – Portrait Artist

    Hi zanchit,

    Thanks for using WP Socializer plugin. I agree the suggestion you made is valid.

    Right now the change can be made onyl by editing the code. I’ll include the change in the next version of the plugin.

    For now, can you please make the change below?
    1) In wordpress admin, go to Plugins -> plugin editor
    2) select wp socializer -> core/templates/follow-icons.php file.
    3) In line number 88, change nofollow to me
    4) Save the file.



    Thank you so much, Aakash
    All done
    Can’t actually check using the same Semrush site audit (which flagged it) as my free trial has run out. But am SO grateful for your response and for including my suggestion in a future update.
    Very impressed!

    Hi zanchit,

    Glad you were able to fix the issue. If you have any wordpress cache plugins, then it may cache the pages. So the change might not reflect.

    But I’m sure the change will work.
    Please view-source of the page later and see if the attribute is changed. If it had changed, then other sites will recognize the same.


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