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  • Is it possible to remove it in the RSS feed itself ?

    RSS reader will display the description as is. The plugin has no idea about the text.

    Other suggestion I can think of is in feed.php search for below line

    $desc = str_replace( array( "\n", "\r" ), ' ', esc_attr( strip_tags( @html_entity_decode( $item->get_description(), ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset') ) ) ) );

    and replace it with below

    $desc = str_replace( array( "\n", "\r" ), ' ', esc_attr( strip_tags( @html_entity_decode( $item->get_description(), ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset') ), '<span>' ) ) );

    Then use the CSS .informations{display: none}


    Ed Native

    Can you check on your site?
    [srr_feed urls="" count="9" show_desc="1" show_thumb="1" strip_desc="30" rich_desc="0" add_nofollow="1" open_newtab="1" thumbnail_position="cover" read_more="0" thumbnail_size="350px" color_style="twitter" display_type="grid" grid_columns="3"]

    I can’t modify rss and there is no this <span class=”informations”> – it is only available in the rss.

    the only way is to exclude it by your plugin

    Can you please try the suggestion I have mentioned earlier ?

    Ed Native

    I replaced with your code, but all span elements are within the <p> tag and are not html codes – they are plain text

    <p><span class="filename">image</span><span class="informations">1280×798 615 KB</span> </p>

    Please hold on..

    Revert back the change I last asked.

    Now, paste these lines

    $a = explode('KB', $desc);
    if(count($a) > 1){
    	$desc = $a[1];
    	$desc = $a[0];

    after this line

    $desc = str_replace( array( "\n", "\r" ), ' ', esc_attr( strip_tags( @html_entity_decode( $item->get_description(), ENT_QUOTES, get_option('blog_charset') ) ) ) );

    Ed Native

    that worked, but sometime there is no KB, but MB
    image3500×2885 1.29 MB

    Instead of this
    $a = explode('KB', $desc);

    use this
    $a = preg_split('/ (KB|MB) /', $desc);

    Cheers !

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