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    • dgeek98

      Hi. First of all I would like to say a big thank you for this amazing plugin. It’s just what I wanted. I do want to ask one thing though. Can you please help me find the right spot to put no follow in the code of v2.2.

      From this topic here: I can see that what I’m asking for is possible but I can’t seem to find the right file or spot to put the code in v2.2 of the plugin.

      Your help would be much appreciated.


      Thanks for using WP Socializer. WP Socializer is clearly coded to customize the needs.

      If you want to add a nofollow attribute to the social bookmarking buttons, then do the following.

      1. Open wp-socializer/includes/wpsr-socialbuttons.php

      2. Replace the line 143


      ‘params’ => ”,



      ‘params’ => ‘ rel=”nofollow” ‘,

      Save the file. Thats all !! Please note that the Social widgets like Facebook like button, Google +1, Digg buttons cannot get a nofollow tag.

      Only 105 social buttons get this nofollow attribute.

      Thank you.


      Thank you very much for your help. It’d be a great idea to incorporate a no follow switch somewhere in the tool’s dashboard for the next version. Thanks again.

      dgeek98 wrote:

      Thank you very much for your help. It’d be a great idea to incorporate a no follow switch somewhere in the tool’s dashboard for the next version. Thanks again.

      Thanks for trying WPSR. But I think adding nofollow to the social websites doesnt cause SEO problem. But anyway Ill see through it !


      It’s not really SEO I’m worried about. Rather, it’s Google saying in one of it’s services’ guidelines that it doesn’t like too many links in a page. So no following social links would be a good way to tell Google you aren’t giving votes of confidence to those links. 🙂

      Oh.. thanks for the info… Ill try to keep a button for easy nofollow checkbox in the forth coming versions.


      Thanks. That would be very much appreciated 🙂

      dgeek98 wrote:

      Thanks. That would be very much appreciated 🙂

      The new version of WP Socializer v2.3 has this feature inbuilt. Just download and use it.

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