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  • philnicholl

    I’m using Formidable Forms Pro 4.09.02 and Shortcoder 5.3.3 together in WordPress 5.6 and Avada theme 7.1.2

    They have been working together OK until I added a Formidable form to create and edit posts on the front end. This did seem to work OK for a while (possibly until I updated to WordPress 5.6) but now the posts form is creating duplicates.

    I have narrowed it down to a conflict with Shortcoder.

    Can anyone else confirm this conflict and are there any solutions or workarounds?

    Many thanks.

    Hi Phil,

    Can you please let me know how shortcoder and formidable are used together in your case ?

    Shortcoder was not updated recently. So if it was working earlier it should work now unless other plugins are causing any issue.



    Hi Aakash,

    My apologies. I seem to have tracked the problem down to the instance of the new form itself. I have created a new form with the same function and it is working as expected with no duplicates. The original form continues to produce duplicates. I can’t see why this is because the settings are the same but perhaps the initial form has been corrupted in some way.

    I will see if I can find the reason and let you know why the problem manifested itself as a plugin conflict.

    Many thanks,


    Glad that you got it resovled.
    Cheers !

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