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  • Hello,

    Using the countdown timer causes fatal error because time format is not fitting to settings of wordpress. Please see error code.
    Time format of wordpress for this webpage is d/m/Y.

    When I set the date in the countdown for 12th of February, the countdown timer will show a countdown to 12th of December.
    If I set the date to e.g. 14th of December it results on fatal error and breaks the website. Cause the plugin interprets it as 14th month.

    fatal error after choosing date 14th of Feb

    fatal error code:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (14/12/2023 23:30) at position 0 (1): Unexpected character in /home/server605908/ftp/migracja/portablepower_pl/wp-content/plugins/announcer-pro/includes/display.php:451 Stack trace: #0 /home/server605908/ftp/migracja/portablepower_pl/wp-content/plugins/announcer-pro/includes/display.php(451): DateTime->__construct(’14/12/2023 23:3…’, Object(DateTimeZone)) #1 /home/server605908/ftp/migracja/portablepower_pl/wp-content/plugins/announcer-pro/includes/display.php(219): ANCR_Display::countdown_timer(Array) #2 /home/server605908/ftp/migracja/portablepower_pl/wp-content/plugins/announcer-pro/includes/display.php(85): ANCR_Display::html(34099, Array) #3 /home/server605908/ftp/migracja/portablepower_pl/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(308): ANCR_Display::display(”) #4 /home/server605908/ftp/migracja/portablepower_pl/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #5 /home/server605908/ftp/migracja/portablepower_pl/wp-inclu in /home/server605908/ftp/migracja/portablepower_pl/wp-content/plugins/announcer-pro/includes/display.php on line 451
    W witrynie wystąpił błąd krytyczny.

    Please fix it asap, or return the money for my order. Thanks.


    Thanks for using Announcer plugin.

    Can you please confirm how did you enter the datetime for the countdown timer?

    Did you select the date and time from the picker?

    The datetime picker allows you to pick date and time only in the format Y-m-d H:i.
    Please see image below –

    It seems the datetime is entered in the format 14/12/2023 23:30. I’m not sure how it was entered in such a format.

    Please use the picker again and ensure that the date is of the above format. If issue persists, please let me know further.


    I select the date and time from the picker.
    It results in such a format for example:
    16/02/2023 14:39

    I cant type it manually, as soon as I try, it changes back to the input from the picker.

    Made a screen capture to show you the behaviour:


    It looks like some other plugin is overriding the datetime picker. You can see the difference between the picker color and style in my screenshot and your screenshot.

    Can you please make this change for now?
    Plugins –> Plugin editor –> Announcer – PRO –> select file admin/js/script.js

    At line no. 12


    Save the file.
    Now in the edit page, press Ctrl+Shift+F5 on and notice that the picker won’t show.

    You can now type the countdown timer date with the format 2023-03-03 18:32 and save the settings.

    To find root cause of which plugin is causing this issue, I migth need temp administrator access. If you are fine with this workaround then we are good. Otherwise please send the credentials to my contact form. I’ll login and check.

    In the future version, I’ll try to handle this issue and make sure no other plugin can take control of the date time picker.



    The date time picker is still visible also after changing to //init_date_time_picker();
    Cache refresh and Ctrl+Shift+F5 doesnt help.
    Any other idea of how to get rid of the date time picker?

    Hi Matthias

    I’ll get back to you on this tomorrow.


    Hi @matthias,

    I had a look at the screenshots in your email and replied for the same. The datetime picker is added by some other plugin.

    Please do follow my reply email for additional instructions.


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