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  • Philipp Tusch

    Hi there,
    I am using Shortcoder Pro as I would like to use the gutenberg block editor. So far so good. But: We created Custom Blocks in the Gutenberg using ACF PRO. I can add them to the custom editor in Shortcoder Pro. And I can also import the Code to the Shortcode editor (looks like this But previewing the Shortcode – these custom blocks do not display.

    It only affects these custom blocks. Other content from the block editor is displayed.


    Hi Philipp,

    Thanks for using Shortcoder – PRO.

    I guess, after designing the shortcode content using the block editor you are “exporting the html” to the editor.

    You don’t need to export the block editor HTML. You can simply save the “block editor” launched with shortcoder pro and leave the shortcoder editor to “custom editor” (i.e don’t need to change to code editor)

    Can you please try that out and let me know if it helps?

    Below video quickly demonstrates how to use block editor with shortcoder – PRO.


    Philipp Tusch

    thanks for this very quick reply!

    I exactly did it as seen in the video you linked above. The only difference: After saving the shortcode (on “Edit Shortcode”), it automatically switches back from the custom editor to the code editor. This is empty afterwards, thats why, I imported the code on the right panel.

    So I cannot leave the shortcoder editor to “custom editor” here


    Hi Philipp,

    The shortcode editor must remain in “custom editor”. Please ensure to save the “edit shortcode” page after selecting “custom editor”.

    The plugin takes a different route and does extra stuff for the block editor to actually work as expected.

    At the end, when you go to “edit shortcode” page you should see “custom editor” being selected and not the “code editor”


    Philipp Tusch


    Okay, may be exactly this is the problem. I recorded my window for you to see that:

    Hi Philipp,

    That is strange. The editor should save the option. This is something new.
    Let me check the code and get back to you.


    Hi Phillipp,

    I guess there is some JS errors on the “edit shortcode”.
    Can you please press ctrl+shift+j and then select “custom editor”?

    Please share the screenshot or the errors printed in the console.

    I notice that the “editor selction” box is missing in your video after selecting “custom editor”. This is probably some conflicting/buggy plugin interfering the editing page.


    Philipp Tusch

    There you go
    But there is no new JS error after selecting “custom editor”

    Hi Philipp,

    Like we discussed via email, the issue has been addressed for now. ACF had a hidden editor and the editor selection box was attached to it hence the option was not getting saved.

    I’ll handle the scenario in the next version of the plugin.


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