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    • dejudicibus

      I am using the following code snippet to add a toolbox of icons exactly where I want:


      $social_services = ‘services=facebook,twitter,googlebuzz,friendfeed,linkedin,myspace,live’ ;
      $social_services .= ‘,digg,delicious,addtofavorites,rss’ ;
      $social_effects = ‘effect=jump’;
      echo wp_socializer(“socialbts”, $social_effects.”&”.$social_services);

      However, even if I define a custom button in the admin panel, I cannot find a way to add it to $social_services. I tried to use custom-1 but it does not work. Any idea how to add another service to that list?


      Sorry for the late reply. Custom social bookmarking buttons cannot be added in WP Socializer. Buttons like stumbleupon, retweet, Google +1 buttons and similar custom buttons can be added.

      In version WPSR 2.2 an inbuilt of 106 buttons are made. So you can choose any of them.

      If you wish to add a custom button, then please post the button with its image and other details here.

      Ill try to add it in the successive version.

      Thank you.


      Well, first of all I would like to place at the end of button list the compact button (the one with plus) to get all the other ones.


      if (function_exists(‘wp_socializer’)) {
      $social_services = ‘services=facebook,plusone,twitter,friendfeed,linkedin,myspace,oknotizie’ ;
      $social_services .= ‘,digg,delicious,yahoobookmarks,compact,rss’ ;
      $social_effects = ‘effect=jump’;
      echo wp_socializer(“socialbts”, $social_effects.”&”.$social_services);

      Second, I would like to add OKNotizie (see because is one of the most popular Italian news hub. The logo button can be taken from AddIt, since it is available in AddIt service. I also wonder why in the button list that can be used in wp_socializer function there is not google plusone. And also netlog is missing. There are a lot of unknown networks but some of the most popular are missing… I understand how difficult could be to maintain such a list, anyway. So what about using an external config file? Suppose that services are listed in a wp_socializer_services.php file in plugin directory and that if I place the same file also in my theme directory, the two lists are joined. We could use this forum to support you to keep the config file up to date signalling changes, or, if we want to add a local service that you do not wish to have in default list, we can do on our own. We can define a naming convention: all the custom services must have an id beginning by x- as in MIME. So, if I have a service called foo, I can create in mytheme/wp_socializer_services.php a x-foo entry and add it to the services parameter in wp_socializer. What do you think about?

      Hello dejudicibus,

      Thanks for using WP Socializer.

      If you want to add a custom service, follow the steps below.


    • The “Sprites” feature will not recognize the button image correctly.

      So you should “disable the use sprites feature” under the “Social buttons” tab or use sprites=0 as a parameter in the function you are using.

    • When you upgrade to a new version, the changes you have done will be lost. (anyway ill add the button inbuilt in the next version. But for now do the steps below)
    • Steps:

      1. Use the latest version.

      2. Open wp-socializer/wp-socializer.php

      3. Add the below code in the line 569


      ‘oknotizie’ => array(
      ‘name’ => ‘OkNotizie’,
      ‘titleText’ => __(‘Share with ‘, ‘wpsr’) . ‘OkNotizie’,
      ‘icon’ => ‘oknotizie.png’,
      ‘url’ => ‘{url}&title={title}’,

      4. Upload the 16px icon to the wp-socializer/public/social-icons/16 directory.


      5. Thats all

      Note: The steps mentioned above is for adding a custom 16px button.

      Thank you.

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