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  • Jean Elchinger


    I worked on the website on a different URL in TEST environnment. Today I migrated the website to Production and guess what, the SSR (Super RSS Reader) shows a blank section going all the way down the page.

    Here is an overview of the same section I would like to display on home page:


    Right to the video is the SRR short code and you can see it’s all screwup.

    Do you have any advice, how I could sort this out?
    Thank you

    Hi Jean,

    Thanks for using Super RSS Reader.

    I’m not sure if the page is designed correctly as expected, but setting below CSS fixes the issue.

    .et_pb_widget {
        float: none !important;

    You might have to try a different layout or try inserting different block or check with the theme author to see if there is acorrect way to fix this.

    For now setting above code will work, but it is something not related to super rss reader.


    Jean Elchinger

    Hi Aakash,

    Thanks for your help, I used the CSS you provided as a quick fix.


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