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  • Michele Ingelido

    Hi, I use the plugin WP Fastest Cache to speed up my website, but I do not want the Super RSS Reader widget to be cached (because it would show old articles instead of new ones).
    The WP Fastest Cache plugin has a tab allowing to exclude elements from caching (check the screenshot). Can you tell me how to exclude Super RSS Reader from caching?

    WPFC exclude tab

    Hi @Michele-Ingelido

    Sorry for the late reply.

    Currently Super RSS reader fetches the feed and inserts it while the page is created. It does not query the feed from the user side.

    So it is expected that the feed is cached along with the page cache.

    The feed gets refreshed every day. So I would suggest updating the cache of your website to 1 day so that both the feed and the page gets updated.

    If you are using the feed only on specific pages, then you can add exclusions to those specific pages.


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