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    • mochabcha

      Is there anyway to export the shortcodes I’ve created? I’d really like to use this plugin for site templates.

      Currently there is o feature, But Ill make it available it for the future version if possible.


      Well where are the shortcodes created? isn’t there a file or a SQL DB record that I can copy and paste back in?

      Basically, if YOU wanted to transport the shortcodes between sites, how would you do it?


      The only reference I could find in the database was shortcoder_data in the Options table. I copied this data manually to another blog with Shortcoder activated, but the shortcodes from the old blog did not appear in Settings > Shortcoder (/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=shortcoder).

      KitGreen wrote:

      The only reference I could find in the database was shortcoder_data in the Options table. I copied this data manually to another blog with Shortcoder activated, but the shortcodes from the old blog did not appear in Settings > Shortcoder (/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=shortcoder).

      Hello, I think you’ve emptied that data field by mistake. Replacing that data field in the DB will solve the problem.

      Anyway, Ill add an “Export shortcodes” feature in the next version as per request.

      Thank you.


      Has the export feature been added? if so, where can I access it?

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