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    • KoffeeKat


      nice plug-in with a lot of options. I am having an issue though with a facebook share button that was specified in Placement to show in individual posts only but it also shows up in the header area. I tried to write some CSS to make it invisible in that particular place, but that didn’t help – either my CSS is incorrect, or – I don’t know.

      What to do? Thanks,



      Figured it out! by adding this CSS:

      #header span.fb_share_size_Small {visibility: hidden;}

      Instead of changing your theme’s style.css file, you can use inline CSS in the placement template.


      I understand, but how would I write that code inside the placement template to make ony the extra, unwanted button to disappear?

      And is there anything wrong with editing the style.css file?

      If you are comfortable editing the style.css file …. then go ahead no problem 😀

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