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  • Hi team,

    My facebook like counts for my post have come to zero, can we get back the counts?

    Please advise.



    Can you please share the URL where it is 0 ?



    It looks like your website has moved from http to https.
    The old counts are added to URL with http.

    You can paste the URL here – and see the count for http and https.

    There are two type of buttons you are using

    1) The native share buttons (the like & share button)
    2) WP Socializer’s social icons (The one with red rounded count)

    Native share buttons are deprecated and will be removed soon and if we still need to support it, then I have to provide you some code to change URL to http so that the count will appear. I suggest you to move to social icons alone as it is quick and clean.

    For social icons count, both http and https count will be added so it is better to use it primarily. Please select “Load share count for both http and https URL of the page” under WP Socializer –> Settings –> COunter settings to yes and and the counter will be updated and cached in the selected frequency.

    Please let me know how it works for you.


    Did it help ?

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