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  • Keith Lee

    I am sourcing contents from following two pages

    to following pages

    But starting from this morning, I cannot see featured images of the source pages.

    There are other websites that I source from third parties, which load featured images as fine.

    Below are the example of feed links that I use from and to

    You can find the outcome at just above the footer of the main page.
    (screenshot image:

    I did a number of checks from my end, but have no clue at all. As said, the same setting works for other domains, so I believe something is going on with /, but do not have any further clue. I have checked with all plugins, but nothing seem affecting it.

    Hi Keith,

    Thanks for using Super RSS Reader.

    I see that the images are blocked from loading on your target site.

    I can’t guess why, but it seems there is some lazy loading enabled and some resources from other domains are blocked on the target site.

    You can confirm this by pasting below code in a sample post or HTML widget. The image will be blocked.

    <img decoding="async" src="" alt="[기고] ‘챗GPT는 무슨 “기술”인가요?’라는 질문에 담긴 한국 개발자들의 ‘복사-붙여넣기’ 사고방식" align="left" data-lazy-src="" >

    Can you also please search online regarding the CORB error and check what you can do to avoid this?


    Keith Lee

    I’ve also checked that part as well. I did guess that it could be CORS error, but it’s not like I have implemented any cross-domain security measure. I’ve tried with a number of suggested options via googling, but nothing works so far.

    Above options tell me that I am supposed to add header for the origin, but that I thought it may further disable Super RSS’s functionality. Can you please double check that it is not the problem of feed? If it is just the matter of blocking images being pulled to other websites, guess I can at least narrow down the cause thus the potential solutions.

    My guess is that the RSS feed source website is not permitting images to be displayed on another website.

    Did you get a confirm this by inserting an image with the URL in your post

    If it fails, then for sure the source site has restrictions.
    Please confirm me on this. I’ll see if the image can be displayed via a proxy.

    Keith Lee

    I think I have messed around Nginx’s add_header. I have removed recent changes in my Nginx configuration, and all new images are displayed properly. Old images, including the one you sampled, are not, which means those images have the earlier header.

    I just need to find a way to purge all earlier headers.

    Thanks for the help. You can close the ticket.

    Glad you figured out the issue!

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