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    • denizh2o

      Thank you for WP Socializer plugin.

      When I installed wp socializer plugin, rss feeds descriptions displayed excerpt mode. How can I solve this problem.

      I’m using feeds full descriptions at other application for my website.


      this seems to be a serious problem… this bug is tasked to be checked and reviewed !! thanks for the bugs report


      Took me two days of fiddling and some lost hair but I finally narrowed down this problem to this plugin. Finding the actual bug in the code was pretty easy after that.

      In wp-socializer.php on line 768:


      $excerpt_inside_loop = substr(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($post->post_content)), 0, 250);

      and line 914:


      $content = substr(strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($post->post_content), ‘


      Those last arguments for substr cut both the excerpt and the full content too short and somehow this is affects the excerpt and content in the feed(s) too.

      I realize the excerpt and content strings are cut since most SM services limit the length anyway. But as a simple subsrt shortening doesn’t actually identify words or punctuation, the content is being cut mid-word anyways. So I removed the subsrt alltogether and let the SM services do the cutting on their end.

      But actually there’s are bigger problem here since you’re stripping all HTML from the content and thus, images or any formatting is gone from the feed too. So what I’m suggesting here is not a fix, merely a workaround.


      I have similar problem with pages. This is what’s happening, when I have WP Socializer activated:


      Love the plug-in but had the same problem on my website, <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”> Feeds lost all formatting and showed a bunch of bullets at the bottom. I need to display the entire feed for my Android app to work properly. Once I deactivated this plug-in everything worked again. Please let me know when you have a fix for this because other than that issue I really liked this plug-in.

      This issue is cleared in the new version 2,which is being developed. So please stay in touch to get the new and advanced WP Socializer with more features


      Any estimated time on a new version? I love the plug in, but can’t use it while it’s truncating my feeds.

      The new version has lots of new features which you will not expect like shortcodes, widgets, integration, 104 social buttons, 10 new button codes, redesigned admin page and developer enabled source code and more …. its currently breaking my head 🙄 not sure when it will be released . It will be released only when a video tutorial, promotion video, featured page are created .. So you have to wait for 2 – 3 weeks


      It’s been almost 2 months… is the new release coming soon?

      Mostly, I just need the excerpt problem fixed. I love the share functions, but I hate how it destroys my RSS feed.


      BUMP, this problem is incredible annoying. To author: please leave second release and fix quickly that in 1.1 – it’s critical problem at me.

      Facebook and lot of other RSS-Readers can’t properly fetch document, they even not try when see not closed tags..

      Plugin is great, but that bug forcing me to disable it sometimes..

      Sorry for that. The plugin is now complete but,documentation and other secondary works are not yet finished.

      However download the BETA version of it. I’ll be happy to hear comments for the plugin

      Here’s the link:

      Note: WP Socializer v2.0 [BETA] is released. Downloadit here.

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