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    • Ike123

      Hi, I would really like this feed to work but i’m having an error with this link:,,12781,00.html

      could you try this one and tell me if you can get any of the 3 RSS feeds to be displayed by your plugin? It works good for other RSS feeds, but this one is important for me 🙂

      The plugin should work. But wondering why it is not working. Ill soon check it and fix that issue.


      Thank you! Yes your plugin works great with most links, but this one he doesn’t like it seems.

      Would like to use your plugin because I want to limit the words used in the feed posts 😉


      I tried some things, still can’t manage it to pick up that feed link I told you 😥

      Although I did like the way your plugin can combine multiple feed links, is it possible to get the JQuery ticker working on the regular RSS plugin (native WP) too? Cause the native plugin does show the feed, so I find it very strange your plugin returns an error.


      Merging feeds is a good idea, but it takes time to test and implement them. I am working on this feature as many people also request this.

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