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    • vanarie

      I needed to create a fully SSL encrypted page that also included wp_socializer. What I wound up doing is going to wp-admin and editing the plugin files (Plugins>WP Socializer>Edit). I replaced hard coded “http://” with “//”. All the major share services support SSL, so this takes care of most of them.

      I also installed this plugin to make sure WP served up most/all of it’s content in SSL if required. The plugin is here:

      You may want to try the SSL plugin FIRST and see if it fixes everything, but because the “http://” urls are hard coded into wp_socializer, you may still need to manually fix them.

      Lastly, this site is great at debugging SSL pages:

      SUGGESTION: Change them all to “//” in the main wp_socializer distro OR have an option in the setting page for SSL. That would save people the trouble of hacking it every time there’s an update.

      Sorry for the very late reply… Thanks for the Good idea !! Ill soon implement in the forth coming version.

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