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  • Anonymous

    Is there a way to code in a scroll bar for events that are months in advance, or create pagination? Thank you.

    Hi Giovanni,

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Right now Super RSS Reader displays only the RSS feed as provided and does not have pagination.

    It might not be immediately possible to implement pagination as it needs design changes.

    Regarding displaying various content like events, you can split the RSS feed into different categories and enter multiple RSS feed URLs. Super RSS reader will show them in separate tabs.


    Hi Giovanni,

    In Super RSS Reader v4.9 there is a new feature to display all RSS feeds in a fixed height with scrollbar.

    Super RSS Reader – Add attractive RSS Feed Widget

    In the PRO version, you can select the “paginated” type where you can display RSS feeds with page numbers and next/prev navigation buttons.

    Super RSS Reader


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