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  • loinc

    I understand from your Git It Write plugin’s FAQ, that only a branch name of ‘master’ is presently supported. Largely, the Git/GitHub community has moved from a default branch name of ‘master’ to ‘main’. Is there any chance the plugin can look for ‘main’ when ‘master’ is not found?

    Alternatively, do you have a recommendation for creating a ‘master’ branch alias when ‘main’ is used?

    Thank you.

    [We use this plugin for the official site for Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM), an international standard code system for expressing units in various industries, primarily healthcare data.]

    Hi @loinc,

    Thanks for checking GIW.

    The latest version of the plugin supports any branch name.
    While configuring the reporsitory details, you can choose the branch name to pull the files from.

    I’ll update the FAQ answer accordingly.


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