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  • leocrespo

    Trying to change
    [sc name="my-shortcode"] to [sc name="my-new-shortcode"] but the name field is disabled on edit.

    Hi, Sorry for the delay. This is made by design. As many people are asking the same, I’m considering to enable renaming of shortcodes. I’ll update this thread once I’m dome with it.



    It has been 11 days, how long does it take to remove the “disabled” attribute of a form field?

    Removing disabled attribute is not the only change.
    There are some repercussions of editing the shortcode name since “shortcode name” is acting as the ID + the way the saving of shortcodes is handled.

    So editing the name needs some handling and testing.
    I’m working on it, and you can expect it by next week max.


    v4.3 has the change to edit shortcode. Please do try it.

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