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    • dmeek1

      Hi all,

      Here’s what is likely a simple question: is there a way to keep WP socializer as just the small widget (i.e a FB like, G+ button that i chose in settings) and make the larger template with all the buttons that is in the body of the page go away? I see where I can hide the widget n the settings, but not tjhe “share and enjoy” template. Any thoughts?




      The current version of the widget has no option to disable the widgets in specific pages as you do for the “templates”. You can instead “HTML Javascript Adder” and paste the facebook or G+ button code there, where you can find t options to disable to the widget in specific pages as you like.



      I’m not sure my questiion was clear. I want to keep the widget, i.e. sidebar, but remove that from the main part of the page where the template is. I’ve used the html add on to configure the G+ etc as i like it, w but wHAT I WANT TO DO IS DISAbLE THE TEMPLATE, NOT THE WIDGET.


      dmeek1 wrote:


      I’m not sure my questiion was clear. I want to keep the widget, i.e. sidebar, but remove that from the main part of the page where the template is. I’ve used the html add on to configure the G+ etc as i like it, w but wHAT I WANT TO DO IS DISAbLE THE TEMPLATE, NOT THE WIDGET.



      * Go to the “Settings” tab.

      * Select “Temporarily disable all WP-Socializer buttons” to “Yes”

      Save the settings. I hope i understood the problem correctly.

      Thank you.



      many thanks!



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