Right at just above the footer of the following page, https://mdsa.giai.org/, I have multiple images loaded by Kadence theme’s elements. In the element, I load images and create an RSS feed for the streak of images to be loaded to other pages.
Then, the following page, https://giai.org/mdsa/, will be a translated version of the same page. So, I would like to load the same images by RSS feed via Kadence element.
Below is what I used in the element page’s shortcode
[srr_feed urls=”https://mdsa.giai.org/?kadence_element=mdsa-slider/feed/” tab_titles=”Event1″ show_author=1 show_date=1]
But, as you see in the target page, https://giai.org/mdsa/, not only the images, but also the frame of the images from the original (Tab 1, tab 2, tab 3, added a screenshot below for your reference).
Image link: https://siaiedu-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/g/personal/keith_lee_giai_org/EdMwa-ZRtp5Nux7kZRP0zOMBOyf1lvXZ4HT7vADXC9E_2A?e=DtoXYJ
I am not sure what I did wrong in the short code. Would be great if you guys can help on this one. If this works, I don’t have to control images on multiple webpages anymore. I just need to do it on a single page, and use RSS to broadcast them.