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  • lemtechve

    Hi friends,

    Thank you very much for the development of the WP Socializer plugin…, it is very good, practical and easy to configure. It has a very good user experience.

    This is for you to please verify the following case:

    When we activating the WP Socializer in our web, a call to is created in the form:

    <link rel=’dns-prefetch’ href=’//’ />

    This is OK, but according to the <link rel=’dns-prefetch’ href=’//’ /> it is not being used so it is not necessary.

    Our website URL is

    We send you an image with the issue found by the

    Thanks in advance for your help

    Hi @lemtechve,

    Thanks for using WP Socializer. Happy that you like it.

    This “dns-prefetch” is not added by WP Socializer.
    It is added by WordPress automatically.

    Though the home page may not any social icons, other pages on your site using the social icons. So this tag is would be helpful in that case.

    This is a useful feature and I would say you do not need to worry about this tag. This causes no harm.

    You can learn more about it below.

    Resource Hints in 4.6


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