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    • robsabo10

      There is no rhyme or reason for this, but some shortcodes I’m able to delete and others (most) I cannot. I’ve troubleshooted many ways.

      Does anybody have insight into this, on why some won’t allow me to delete? Thanks.


      What really happen when you drag and drop the shortcode into the “trash” icon on the bottom right corner ?

      Does the page reload after you drag and drop ?




      Yes, it reloads but all it does it bring up the one I’m trying to delete. Some I can delete, most I cannot. There is no rhyme or reason.

      Ok. This is really strange. Never got any issue for deletion. I’ll check the issue and get back to you.


      This exact same thing was happening to me just recently…

      I’m guessing it has something to do with the WordPress 4.7.4 update…



      Sorry for the delay.. I’ll update you for sure tomorrow !

      Do you see any error in console tab of chrome ? Ctrl+shift+j ?


      No error. And it’s not browser related because it still doesn’t delete in Firefox.

      Hi, I’m working on the new interface for shortcoder plugin and planning to release it by next week.

      It uses simple way to delete shortcodes.

      Please stay connected here. I’ll update once the new version is released.

      Question: the shortcode which you are trying to delete has any special characters ?


      It’s very random. We have a lot of shortcodes. I’ve even tried deleting all of the content, exiting and then deleting while blank. I don’t think special characters are involved here. Just some I can, some I cannot. thanks.

      Can you please the new version of the plugin and let me know if it works ?

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