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    • Reynaldo

      hi, anyone know how to insert the code to single.php?

      Thank you

      Shortcodes created using “shortcoder” plugin should only be used in “Post editing admin page” i.e the page where you create posts. Actually this plugin allows to insert frequently used javascripts and other things within posts with ease management like adsense ads etc.

      This cannot be used to insert javascript in single.php and other theme files.




      @vaakash, thank you.

      Welcome, if you are interested just try other useful plugins



      Actually, you can accomplish this by placing the following php code in your single.php file:

      Works for me! 🙂

      brinformation wrote:


      Actually, you can accomplish this by placing the following php code in your single.php file:

      Works for me! 🙂

      Yup forgot this one !! 🙄

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