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  • JT

    I am using a page builder, in my case Oxygen Pagebuilder (
    Tee Shortcoder plugin shows the button “Edit with Oxygen” in shortcode overview, but I cannot save the content-snippet.
    Is this a bug or not possible (BTW: Oxygen is based on shortcodes)?

    I would like to insert the content of a page/post as a shortcode (created with Oxygen Pagebuilder).
    How I can achieve this?

    page 1 –> has full fledge content based on Oxygen (e.g. <div> something created with Oxygen </div>)
    post 2 –> per shortcode inserted page 1 (without header/footer — only content part)

    Hi JT,

    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for using Shortcoder.

    Unfortunately, shortcoder does not support page builders.

    What you can do is, copy the HTML/the code output of your page builder and paste it in the shortcode content so that you can get the page everywhere. The problem would be edit it back.

    But I’ve looked at Oxygen’s APIs and I do not find anyway to integrate the editor with shortcoder.


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