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  • Thomas Vergnes

    Is there a way to add Instagram to the mobile bar, like with the follow bar.

    Thank you

    Hi Thomas, Thanks for using WP Socializer plugin.

    The reason instagram button is not present in mobile sharebar because “mobile sharebar” feature is used when users want ti “share” the current page in other social networking sites.

    Since we cannot share links on instagram, the button is not present in “mobile sharebar”

    Whereas you can use instagram in “follow bar” feature and provide your instagram URL since instagram site hosts your profile.

    Hope you understand. Please let me know if you need more clarity.


    Thomas Vergnes

    Thanks for your response,

    Thank you for your explanation, the reason why the instagram button is not present on the mobile sharebar is now clear to me.

    Is there a way however to create mobile bar looking just like the sharebar but including just the redirect links (like the ones on my desktop website:

    Thanks, and the plugin works like a charm!!

    Hi Thomas, I can help you add instagram to the mobile sharebar and you can link it to your profile page.

    Please follow the below steps,

    1) Please add the below code to your theme’s function.php file before ?>

    function wpsr_instagram_msb($buttons){
        $buttons['instagram']['link'] = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_URL';
        $buttons['instagram']['features'] = array( 'for_profile', 'for_share' );
        return $buttons;
    add_filter('wpsr_mod_social_icons_list', 'wpsr_instagram_msb');

    (also replace your instagram profile url in the above code )


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