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    • Author
    • AgentBlack

      No matter which way I try to install this plugin, it constantly fails. If i upload it, it fails at:


      Unpacking the package…

      Could not create directory. /public_html

      Actions: Return to Plugins page

      If i tell wordpress to install it i get:


      Downloading install package from…

      Unpacking the package…

      Installing the plugin…

      Could not copy file. /public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-socializer/social-icons/16/meneame.png

      Plugin install failed.

      Actions: Return to Plugin Installer

      Any thoughts on why it refuses to install?




      Its not the problem with WP Socializer, it a issue with wordpress due to the direct installation of the plugin.

      Try installing the plugin manually:

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>


      vaakash wrote:

      Its not the problem with WP Socializer, it a issue with wordpress due to the direct installation of the plugin.

      Try installing the plugin manually:

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

      I already have, it errors out.


      Unpacking the package…

      Could not create directory. /public_html

      Actions: Return to Plugins page

      thats what happens when i download the zip to my computer, then upload it thru the plugins page.

      AgentBlack wrote:

      vaakash wrote:

      Its not the problem with WP Socializer, it a issue with wordpress due to the direct installation of the plugin.

      Try installing the plugin manually:

      <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

      I already have, it errors out.


      Unpacking the package…

      Could not create directory. /public_html

      Actions: Return to Plugins page

      thats what happens when i download the zip to my computer, then upload it thru the plugins page.

      Actually this error occurs only when a update is done through the dashboard. There is no possibility of this error. It will be good to link a screenshot of the error page


      well i got it to install, however I have been unable to get it to function with my wordpress theme, so i have opted to go with a different route to get my social media links to work properly. Thank you for your time and efforts.


      AgentBlack wrote:

      well i got it to install, however I have been unable to get it to function with my wordpress theme, so i have opted to go with a different route to get my social media links to work properly. Thank you for your time and efforts.


      Thanks for trying WP Socializer .. Can you please give your website URL so that i can verify the errors with the plugin and it suggest me ideas !



      vaakash wrote:

      AgentBlack wrote:

      well i got it to install, however I have been unable to get it to function with my wordpress theme, so i have opted to go with a different route to get my social media links to work properly. Thank you for your time and efforts.


      Thanks for trying WP Socializer .. Can you please give your website URL so that i can verify the errors with the plugin and it suggest me ideas !


      sure the website is . I am using a theme i purchased from called Enterprise. It’s a nice clean theme, however i am just not able to get the socializer plugin to work 🙁

      AgentBlack wrote:

      vaakash wrote:

      AgentBlack wrote:

      well i got it to install, however I have been unable to get it to function with my wordpress theme, so i have opted to go with a different route to get my social media links to work properly. Thank you for your time and efforts.


      Thanks for trying WP Socializer .. Can you please give your website URL so that i can verify the errors with the plugin and it suggest me ideas !


      sure the website is . I am using a theme i purchased from called Enterprise. It’s a nice clean theme, however i am just not able to get the socializer plugin to work 🙁

      Nice site.. will be happy to see the alternative plugin you are going to use 😉


      vaakash wrote:

      sure the website is . I am using a theme i purchased from called Enterprise. It’s a nice clean theme, however i am just not able to get the socializer plugin to work 🙁

      Nice site.. will be happy to see the alternative plugin you are going to use ;)[/quote]

      thank you very much! I just used the code provided by facebook, to put the facebook like button on the main page. otherwise, im not using any other plugins

      fine ! 🙂


      vaakash wrote:

      fine ! 🙂

      thanks for the work on this plugin. it looks like its great 🙂 it just doesnt like my theme 🙁

      dosen’t matter !but WP Socializer will soon suit a number of themes


      vaakash wrote:

      dosen’t matter !but WP Socializer will soon suit a number of themes

      Great!! I’d rather have a facebook button rather than what i have now, so i may try it again the future 🙂

      good to hear … currently i am busy with my website’s new revision of theme and speed. so i am not able to concentrate on WP Socializer’s update. But soon the bugs posted in this forum will be corrected !!

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