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  • Suzuki Kengo

    I was able to use a shortcode to display only the date and title, but I can’t figure out how to display it on a single line. Please let me know if there is a way to display the date and title without a line break.
    ex. 2022/02/14 Title example

    I’m using this shortcode(URL is example).
    [srr_feed urls=”” count=3 show_desc=0 show_thumb=0 show_date=1 date_format=”Y/m/d” template=”%%metadata%% %%title%%” display_type=”normal”]

    Hi Suzuki,

    Sorry for the super late reply. I missed replying after opening the topic. Could you please share your website URL?

    I’ll look at the website and share CSS to align in the same line.


    Suzuki Kengo

    Thank you for reply.
    My testing site is below.
    I used the shortcode in “News&Release” area.

    Hi Suzuki,

    Please paste the below CSS into your theme’s additional CSS settings.
    This would help you.

    .srr-item .srr-clearfix {
        display: flex;
        flex-wrap: nowrap;
    .srr-title {
        margin-left: 15px


    Suzuki Kengo

    Thank you.
    I added the CSS, and I could display the date and title on a single line.

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